Saturday, September 14, 2013


28) Then they asked Him, "What must we do to do the works God requires?"  29)  "The work of God is this; to believe in the One He has sent.:  John 6:28, 29.  After reading these two verses, I had to ask myself, "how hard is it for anyone to believe in Jesus?"  For me, the answer has always been Jesus, ever since I can remember.  This is one area of life I have not had a problem with, although I know other people struggle with this realization.  Is it His immaculate conception or the fact that religions differ too much on the realities that comes forth in the bible?  Everyone seems to have a reason not to believe in Him.  The Jews believe that Jesus was a man of extraordinary powers.  Christianity believes that Jesus is the Messiah, fully human while being fully holy as He spent time on the earth showing others His amazing miracles and preaching the gospel, bringing about a spiritual awakening.  Jesus willingly gave His life on the cross so that you and I would have eternal life in heaven with Him.   And though we have been forgiven of original sin, having reconciliation with God, man appears to pleasure himself in sin, than believe in the truth.  The world has too many desirable aspects which people find enticing, rather than the desires of a Lord and a Savior, that is Jesus.    It seems that people justify Jesus through many types of works, including Christians, many having a need to find some kind of justification for the reason they are on earth to begin with.  Jesus just can not win with this type of attitude in humanity!  faith is knowing you can believe in something that you can not see.   Mary believed in the high power of God, as the Holy Spirit planted the seed of Jesus in her womb.  God knows how hard we struggle, which is why He gives us a conscious, a choice to either take a righteous path, to  pick up the cross and follow Him, or choose to travel down the crooked path on ones journey through life.  He equips each person with spiritual freedom.  The only work God requires from you is to believe that Jesus was sent; for us, He is of a natural birth, born in a manger, the coming Messiah,  Son of God,  who died, rose after 3rd day, put on a cross, ascended into heaven, the anointed one.  He did this so that you may believe in Him.  Belief all starts with the birth of a king.
                                                                     God bless, deaconess barb /